Our network in numbers

We are dedicated to the growth of our network and connecting people around the world.

Member Organizations
Years of Networking
Voluntary Coordinators

Become a part of the global network for forest science cooperation.

Unique networking opportunities

Make global connections, discuss and share research studies and projects, and cooperate with scientists from your field of expertise and other disciplines. Participate in a wide range of collaborative activities covering all main areas of core and interdisciplinary research related to forests and trees.

International, regional and national representation

Take advantage of IUFRO's representation in international fora such as the United Nations Forum on Forests and the United Nations Climate Change and Biodiversity Conventions, for example, and benefit from IUFRO's close cooperation with other scientific fields and groups of civil society. Present your scientific work to policy and decision makers.

Eligibility to place news items in IUFRO media

Make your organization and its achievements visible on the IUFRO website and spread the word on meetings, vacancies or publications via the newsletter, the online calendar of meetings and Noticeboard, the mailing lists, the RSS Feeds and the newly launched IUFRO Spotlights.

IUFRO publications – Keeping your cutting edge

Enjoy timely information on latest IUFRO activities, publications and events in forest research. Receive ten electronic newsletter issues a year free of charge and read scientific summaries, meeting reports and announcements first hand. Get annual reports, congress proceedings, training materials and brochures from the IUFRO Secretariat. Share information through IUFRO's extensive mailing lists.

Opportunity to take a leading role within IUFRO

Contribute to shaping IUFRO's forest research agenda as a coordinator of a research unit, a member of the Board or even as your country's International Council representative.

Support for Development of Capacities

IUFRO’s Special Programme for Development of Capacities (IUFRO-SPDC) enables members in economically disadvantaged countries to obtain support for IUFRO event participation and scientific visits. Capacity development is also supported through training and thematic networking opportunities.

Unrestricted access to the IUFRO webpages

Benefit from unlimited access via membership login to IUFRO's on-line databases including all pertinent contact details, IUFRO's publications, literature and proceedings archive, and much more.

Eligibility to IUFRO awards

As member you are eligible to receive scientific awards and awards in recognition of services to IUFRO.

Our Membership types and fees

You can apply for IUFRO Membership via our application form. Membership fees vary depending on the economic region, number of researchers, and whether you are joining as an organization or individual. According to IUFRO’s Internal Regulations, the basic annual membership fee for Member Organizations is based on the World Bank List of Economies (January 2025). The fee is automatically calculated for you when filling in the application, so you don't need to worry about checking your economic status yourself. Find information below on how our fees are calculated.


starting at


per year

164€ basic annual fee 
+ 164€ researcher fee 
per 10 researchers employed at the organization*

Lower middle-income 

starting at


per year

327€ basic annual fee 
+ 164€ researcher fee 
per 10 researchers employed at the organization*

Upper middle-income 

starting at


per year

492€ basic annual fee 
+ 164€ researcher fee 
per 10 researchers employed at the organization*


starting at


per year

655€ basic annual fee 
+ 164€ researcher fee 
per 10 researchers employed at the organization*

*A membership organization pays a minimum of 164 EURO for up to 10 researchers that are employed at the member organization. If more than 10 researchers are employed the additional amount increases by 164 EURO in steps of 10 researchers, starting with the 11th researcher (>11 researchers -> Basic annual fee +164 EURO, 11-20 researchers -> Basic annual fee +328 EURO, etc.). 

Want to join IUFRO as an individual? Become an Associate Member!

You can also join us as an individual. This Membership type is called "Associate Members". Associate members enjoy the same membership benefits as the researchers of our member organizations. As individual scientists automatically become ordinary members of IUFRO if they belong to a member organization of IUFRO: If your institute decided to join, a greater number of scientists would benefit from the membership at an attractive membership rate.

Become a part of the IUFRO family and our global network!

Low / Lower middle-income

starting at


per year (for individuals)

High / Upper middle-income

starting at


per year (for individuals)

Payment can be carried out via bank transfer - you will find the banking details on your invoice - or via our online credit card payment system. If you have questions, please contact us.

What our members say

“IUFRO is the perfect network for connecting researchers from all around the world providing a very useful environment to share knowledge and resources on the different disciplines of Forest Sciences. For the researchers of the University of Florence IUFRO is the reference organization for sharing knowledge, being informed about research activities and events developed by other IUFRO institutions, thus supporting both research as well as didactical activities.”

University of Florence, Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI), Italy

What our members say

“For a century, Finnish forest scientists have participated in IUFRO activities. During the first decades, Finland was a young nation and gaining international visibility and appreciation was strong support for forest science development. For example, Prof. Erik Lönnroth was IUFRO president already in 1936-48. Finnish forest scientists realized that active international, person to person co-operation is vital for high quality and influential forest research. As a result, Finnish scientists have for decades been a major group in IUFRO activities, especially considering the size of the nation.”

University of Helsinki, Department of Forest Sciences, Finland

What our members say

IUFRO provides us with an international network for exchanging expertise with scientists from around the world who are involved in applied research projects. We believe that this exchange is essential for enhancing our knowledge of the various aspects of multifunctional forestry, including forest conservation. As a result, collaborations inspired by IUFRO boost our scientific activities in Baden-Württemberg.”

Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg, Germany

What our members say

“Working together within IUFRO is an enriching experience for our researchers and strengthens them in their mission to make the world a better place.” - University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources, Slovenia

“IUFRO is a unique network that provides researchers with the possibility for global collaboration and international benchmarking.” - Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW), Austria

Our Members

We unite more than 630 Members all over the globe.