
This 2025 global webinar series by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations will cover topics ranging from data, policies and supply chains to financing and partnerships, and explain how the forest sector can help reduce reliance on non-renewable resources and support a sustainable, climate-friendly economy.

Attendees will contribute to identifying globally relevant shared goals, critical challenges and priorities that can inform evidence-based policy and investment decisions to support the development of the sustainable forest-based bioeconomy approaches.

WHO can participate?

The global bioeconomy webinar series is designed to engage and empower a diverse audience committed to knowledge-sharing and advancing sustainable forest-based bioeconomy approaches.

It will bring together policymakers and government officials seeking actionable insights on policies and strategies; private-sector actors and entrepreneurs exploring innovative business opportunities; scientists and researchers focusing on cutting-edge bioeconomy studies; civil-society organizations and non-governmental organizations advocating for inclusive solutions; local communities, women’s groups and Indigenous Peoples aiming to benefit from equitable development; students and young professionals eager to shape their careers in sustainability; and international organizations aligning efforts for impactful global collaboration. 

Provisional Programme

Tuesday 11 March 12.00-13.45 CET
Webinar #1 - From policy to practice: scaling up sustainable forest-based bioeconomy approaches

Webinar #2 - Financing the future: unlocking investments for a thriving forest-based bioeconomy

Webinar #3 - From forest to market: building resilient and sustainable bioeconomy supply chains

Webinar #4 - Accelerating inclusive agrifood systems transformation with forests, trees and wild species

Webinar #5 - The role of wood in advancing carbon neutrality and building for the future

Webinar #6 - Showcasing bioeconomy cooperation: next steps to further the forest-based bioeconomy

This global webinar series is an integral part of the Country and Organization-Led Initiative on Sustainable Forest-based Bioeconomy Approaches (COLI) and is supported by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management of Austria, and by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland, in collaboration with the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO).

Units 11 Mär 2025

2025 Global Webinar Series - Webinar #1: From policy to practice: Scaling up sustainable forest-based bioeconomy approaches

The inaugural webinar in this global webinar series aims to set the stage and take stock of policy frameworks for scaling up sustainable forest-based bioeconomy