
Image: PIRO4D on Pixabay

The IUFRO Board has now approved 12 new Task Forces, while the most recently established Task Force on Precision Pest Management (PPM) in Forest Ecosystems (led by Jeremy Allison, Natural Resources Canada) will continue its work in the period from 2025-2029. IUFRO Task Forces are established on a temporary basis to enhance inter‐disciplinary cooperation.

  1. TF on Stand Complexity in Planted Forests. Harnessing stand complexity to improve the resilience of single- and mixed-species plantations for nature climate and people (led by Christophe Orazio, IEFC)

  2. TF on Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Forest-related Sectors (led by Todora Rogelja, University of Padova; Ida Wallin, SLU; Stephen Wyatt, Université de Moncton; and Pipiet Larasatie, University of Arkansas at Monticello)

  3. TF on Post-Conflict Forest Landscape Restoration: Make "it back better" (led by Marine Elbakidze, SLU; Ivan Franko National University of Lviv) 

  4. TF on Building an Integrated Vision of the Forest-based Sector within a Bioeconomy (led by Ivana Zivojinovic, BOKU) 

  5. TF on Scaling-Up Science-based Forest Sector Innovation (jointly led by FAO, Lyndall Bull; and IUFRO Eric Hansen, Mike Wingfield, Rajat Panwar, Sandra Rodríguez-Piñeros)

  6. TF on Forest Living Labs for Sustainable Climate Adaptation (FORLIVS) (led by Philippe Rozenberg, INRAE Orléans 

  7. TF on Health, Safety, and Social Dimensions of Forest Restoration Operations (led by René Zamora-Cristales, World Resources Institute/Courtesy Faculty Oregon State University) 

  8. TF on AI for Forest Science (led by Liyong Fu, Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques, CAF)

  9. TF on Interaction and Synergy of Carbon "3S" (Sink, Storage and Substitution) in Forest Value Chains (led by Shuirong Wu, Research Institute of Forestry Policy and Information, CAF 

  10. TF on Forest-Water-Livelihood-Governance Nexus (led by Mingfang Zhang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) 

  11. TF on Legacy Forest Information Resources (led by Hans Juergen Boehmer, Leibniz University, and Sheila Ward, ISTF) 

  12. TF on the Impact of Biodiversity on Carbon-related Ecosystem Services Provided by Soils of Managed Forests (led by Lorenzo Menichetti, LUKE)