
- From 23-29 June 2024, Stockholm, Sweden, will be the global hub of forest research and knowledge exchange.
- With over 4,000 participants from 115 countries, the 26th IUFRO World Congress titled “Forests and Society towards 2050” is the largest forest science event worldwide (
- The global event brings together science, practice, business, policy, civil society and media to ensure a truly interdisciplinary, integrative and diverse exchange.
- Presentations focus on a wide range of topics ranging from forest health and resilience to biodiversity and ecosystem services, bioeconomy and forest management, forest education, innovation, governance, social aspects and more.
- The Innovation Stage and Green Job Arena are two brand-new Congress features to highlight new technologies and developments and promote youth participation.
(Vienna/Stockholm, 20 June 2024) On Monday, 24 June, His Majesty King Carl Gustaf XVI of Sweden will inaugurate the 26th IUFRO World Congress. IUFRO President John Parrotta and Congress Organizing Committee Chair Fredrik Ingemarson together with highlevel representatives of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences as local host and Austria as IUFRO host country, and of the key partner organizations FAO, CIFOR-ICRAF and IFSA will welcome the delegates. In the opening ceremony, IUFRO World Congress Host Scientific Awards will be presented to three eminent researchers from the Nordic/Baltic region: Liisa Tyrväinen, Natural Resources Institute Finland; Jan Stenlid, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; and Algirdas Augustaitis, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania. Throughout the week, more than 4,000 participants from 115 countries will address important technical and societal questions of research on forests, trees and forest products worldwide and discuss their economic, political and social implications. This World Congress offers a fully stacked scientific program, with 200+ sessions and 4,500+ oral and poster presentations shared by leading experts. The Innovation Stage is a new feature that offers an opportunity to witness latest innovations and applied science from around the world. The Green Job Arena, also new, is a hub for discussions about jobs in the green sector
The entire spectrum of global forest science in one week
“The IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm will showcase the full range of global forest research. We will see current research work, new technologies and promising innovations at different levels, from different disciplines and all regions of the world,” explains IUFRO Executive Director Alexander Buck. Topics of sessions and presentations include, for example: forest health, disease and pest management, applications of fast-growing trees, forest genetic tools to strengthen forest resistance, technology and AI-supported monitoring of forests, contributions of forestry and forest products to climate protection and social goals in rural and urban areas, forest education and capacity building, gender issues in forestry, forest policy and governance, research management, communication and the involvement of society in decision-making processes.
Innovative and creative cooperation for the future of the world’s forest
"We need innovative and creative approaches, as well as a holistic view, in order to meet the increasing challenges posed by climate change. The state of the art in forest research, which we see impressively on display at the IUFRO World Congress, allows us to look to the future with optimism. Extensive knowledge and technology with great potential are available, constantly enhanced by new findings. In order to strengthen resilience and sustainably manage our forests worldwide, today and in the long term, we need cooperation across countries and disciplines. We at IUFRO are committed to this every day,” says IUFRO President John Parrotta of the US Forest Service.
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The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) is a non-profit and nongovernmental worldwide network of 15,000 forest scientists across 120 countries, who work together to enhance the understanding of the ecological, economic and social aspects of forests and trees. Founded in 1892 IUFRO is headquartered in Vienna, Austria.
About IUFRO World Congresses
IUFRO World Congresses are interdisciplinary and integrative in scientific content. They are a forum for scientists and interested parties to discuss technical and societal issues of forestrelated research, policymaking and management to support science-based decision-making. Congresses are usually held every five years. The Congress in plenary session is also the general assembly of the members of the Union.