
At a joint IUFRO/CIFOR session on 7 December 2014 at the Global Landscapes Forum in Lima, Peru, lead authors of the assessment currently carried out by the Global Forest Expert Panel (GFEP) on Forests and Food Security presented emerging findings. Among other things, it became evident in the discussion that the poorest of the poor are better nourished if they live close to trees/forests than far away or in cities.
The thematic sessions of the Global Change Research Symposium 2014 held in Southern Italy covered a broad range of topics including coupled natural and human systems (CNHS). The contributions provided examples of successful ecological research conducted across regions and scales as well as implications on which to base ecosystem and landscape management.
Other IUFRO meetings focused on phytophthora in forests and natural ecosystems, woody plant production integrating genetic and vegetative propagation technologies and, innovations in forest industry and engineering design.
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