
Three IUFRO Working Parties met in Antalya, Turkey, for the MEDINSECT conference to exchange knowledge on entomological research in Mediterranean forest ecosystems. Sessions dealt with topics such as population genetics, insect biodiversity, emerging and exotic pests, insect survey and control, for example.
The international Forest Change 2014 conference in Freising, Germany, touched on issues concerning biophysical, natural as well as anthropogenic drivers of forest change, for instance, and resource management systems. Participants concluded, among other things, that uncertainty was still an overarching issue to be addressed in monitoring concepts and models.
Other articles highlight the 1st European Conference for the Implementation of the UNESCO-SCBD Joint Programme on Biological and Cultural Diversity, the Memorandum of Cooperation that IUFRO has signed with the European Geosciences Union, and the successful participation of IFSA students at the Forest Asia Summit in Jakarta. Further meeting reports, upcoming events, information on publications, awards and on the IUFRO World Congress this October round off the issue.
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