
With a focus on climate change, this year's International Day of Forests aimed to highlight how sustaining healthy forests and tackling climate change go hand in hand. A related UN press release published statements by UN officials and forest experts, including IUFRO President Mike Wingfield. He said the many uncertainties associated with climate change require a robust understanding of appropriate forest strategies. "Global collaboration in forest research plays a key role in improving knowledge that will underpin effective measures for adaptation and mitigation."
This issue also includes a call for papers by the IUFRO Special Project World Forests, Society and Environment (IUFRO-WFSE) on the theme "Shifting global development discourses: Implications for forests and livelihoods" to be published in a special issue of International Forestry Review.
The case study on "Potentials to Mitigate Climate Change Using Biochar: Turkey’s Perspective" has been added to IUFRO Occasional Paper 27. Furthermore, all IUFRO Research Letters have now been compiled in a new IUFRO Occasional Paper 28. To read the full text please choose among the PDF and Word options: