
From 9-11 April 2015, the "International Conference on Coppice Forests: Past Present and Future" took place at Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic. The purpose of the meeting was to assess aspects of coppice forest management systems including silviculture and regeneration, ecology and biodiversity, ecophysiology and tree ecology, socio-economics, production, history and dendrochronology.
The CROJFE 2015 Forest Engineering Conference took place in Zagreb, Croatia on March 18-20, 2015 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, as well as to discuss emerging issues, share state-of-the-art science and technology, and identify foreseeable challenges in forest engineering research discipline and profession.
The IV Mediterranean Forest Week "Improving livelihoods: the role of the Mediterranean forest value chains in a green economy" addressed key issues of Mediterranean forestry. It targeted further the transfer of knowledge and technology to Mediterranean stakeholders. Through several sessions the participants were exposed to the key themes of the Mediterranean forest value chain.
The International Bio-economy Symposium entitled "Sowing Innovation – Reaping Sustainability: Forests' Crucial Role in a Green Economy" from 13 to 14 April in Vienna. The meeting was organised by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), the world's largest network of forest scientists, in cooperation with the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW).
The peer-reviewed publication "Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition. A Global Assessment Report", coordinated by IUFRO's Global Forest Expert Panel (GFEP) on behalf of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) will be formally presented on 6 May at a joint IUFRO/CIFOR/ICRAF side event during the 11th session of the United Nations Forum on Forests in New York. A policy brief with the key messages will also be published there.
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