
As land managers and citizens around the world meet often daunting challenges in managing forests, professional communications plays an increasingly important role in science and land management organizations. The goal of a joint workshop of IUFRO and UNECE-FAO FCN communicators in Portland, OR, USA, was to help participants address major challenges and opportunities for communications about forests.
The conference of the IUFRO Extension & Knowledge Exchange Working Party in Kenora, Ontario, Canada, focused on "Increasing capacity for program delivery through knowledge exchange networks and peer-to-peer learning". The major theme across presentations was that engagement of stakeholders at the local level is critical for success. Finding a local "champion" or utilizing peer-to-peer learning can be very effective in increasing capacity of local extensionists.
Given the considerable current political momentum and commitment towards Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) by global and national policy makers, there is a need to discuss and to further develop approaches and mechanisms of FLR implementation on the ground. IUFRO took part by holding international knowledge-sharing workshops in Rwanda (26-27 July 2016) and El Salvador (20-21 September 2016) in close partnership with FAO, Wageningen University, and CATIE, with contributions by WRI, CIFOR, ICRAF, IUCN and national expert institutions.
Find more IUFRO activity reports, interviews with keynote speakers at the upcoming IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania, and announcements of publications and upcoming meetings in this issue of IUFRO News!
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