
On 24-27 October 2016 the largest regional Congress in IUFRO's history to date brought together over 1,000 scientists, professional foresters and policy makers from more than 60 countries in Beijing, China. At the Opening Ceremony of the Congress IUFRO President Professor Mike Wingfield bestowed IUFRO‘s highest award, Honorary Membership, upon Dr. Su See Lee from Malaysia.
Reports from a series of important IUFRO conferences held throughout autumn 2016 range from the 2nd Asian Air Pollution Workshop and the World Congress in Silvo-pastoral Systems to meetings on marginal tree populations, pine wilt disease, and innovations in forest industry.
The announcements section includes recent publications and upcoming meetings as well as information about the new online forestry education database developed by the Joint IUFRO-IFSA Task Force on Forest Education and GFIS.
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