
IUFRO was very well represented at the 12th Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests. Throughout the week, IUFRO successfully engaged in the discussions of the UNFF by delivering statements, organizing scientific side events on topics of high concern and showcasing the effective impacts of IUFRO’s work at the science-policy interface. Find out more in this issue of IUFRO News!
The Congress on "Sustainable Restoration of Mediterranean Forests" held on 19-21 April 2017 in Palermo, Italy, highlighted different types of Mediterranean forests subjected to various management approaches in order to achieve their adaptation and restoration. Particular emphasis was placed on the need for any management measure to play a positive role in the economic context of the population living in that specific area.
A team of IUFRO scientists and other experts on teak synthesized globally available state-of-the-art scientific information and empirical knowledge on teak and compiled comprehensive global teak study titled The Global Teak Study: Analysis, Evaluation and Future Potential of Teak Resources. The study has now been published as IUFRO World Series Vol. 36.
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