
Large-scale restoration initiatives to counter global loss and degradation of the world's forests have gained significant political momentum around the world. In support of these global policy initiatives the "International Conference on Forest Landscape Restoration under Global Change: Synthesizing and Sharing Globally Available Forest-Related Scientific Knowledge" was held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in June 2017. At the conference IUFRO also launched a new publication entitled "Implementing Forest Landscape Restoration: A Practitioner's Guide".
The 2017 IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference was held in Concepción Chile from June 4-9, 2017. The meeting showcased current and emerging applications in forest biotechnology. It illustrated applications of CRISPR/CAS9 in forest trees, network analyses to understand complex biological processes, and genomic selection to improve and accelerate forest tree breeding and selection, to mention only a few.
International trade of plant material is increasing the risks to forest health worldwide. The current situation of both well-understood and emerging pathogens causing disease on foliage, shoot and stems, which threaten forest stands and nurseries was therefore a prominent issue at the meeting of IUFRO Working Party 7.02.02 Foliage, shoot and stem diseases of forest trees in Niagara Falls, Canada, on 7-11 May 2017.
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