
This issue offers a wide variety of reports from recent IUFRO meetings all over the world, involving many IUFRO Divisions and Task Forces and covering topics as diverse as forest landscape restoration and adaptive forest management, Eucalypt plantation management, beech forest ecosystems, processing technologies for the forest and biobased industries, vegetative propagation technologies, community forestry, African forest politics and governance, and others.
For example, the first IUFRO conference on "African Forest Policies and Politics" (AFORPOLIS conference 2018) was coordinated by the new IUFRO Working Party on "African forest politics and governance" (IUFRO-WP 9.05.09) and the AFORPOLIS initiative in in Yaoundé, Cameroon.
An international scientific conference entitled "Forest Science for a Sustainable Forestry and Human Wellbeing in a Changing World" took place in Bucharest, Romania, with the main focus on increasing the visibility of forest science in the global change research policy.
And the 2018 IUFRO Extension and Knowledge Exchange Working Party meeting in Christchurch, New Zealand emphasised "The importance of engaging local communities and stakeholders to increase successful adoption of new technologies".
Of course, the announcement section includes information on new publications, open positions, upcoming meetings and much more!
Finally, don't forget to submit your abstract for the XXV IUFRO World Congress 2019 in Curitiba, Brazil, by December 31, 2018:
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