
The IUFRO 2018 Posadas/Argentina Conference on 'Adaptive Management for Forested Landscapes in Transformation' on 1-5 October provided a platform for discussions on the importance of biodiversity as an essential component to human well-being.
The '4th International Congress on Planted Forests' (ICPF) in Beijing, China, was the first one of its kind to take place in Asia. It was set to explore the role of planted forests in the sustainability of biological resources, environment protection, green development and climate change. The Congress included a special event focusing on high quality timber production from planted teak forests.
The meeting of IUFRO Working Party 7.03.04 Diseases and Insects in Forest Nurseries was held on 21-26 October 2018 in Kuşadası, Turkey and provided a unique opportunity to present and discuss issues related to seedling production in forest nurseries including questions on detection and identification of pests and diseases, their management and future prospects.
At the Global Landscapes Forum 2018 IUFRO participated most successfully in a Learning Pavilion and co-hosted a Discussion Forum entitled "Don't Ignore Drylands: Restoring the Forests of Continental Asia". At the Learning Pavilion IUFRO held a workshop to introduce "Implementing Forest Landscape Restoration – A Practitioner's Guide".
To raise awareness of forest education and its impact on sustainable forest management, IUFRO, IFSA, HY+ and the University of Helsinki in collaboration with FAO have launched a Global Competition to find the Best Practices in Forest Education. Winning methods will be shared to a worldwide audience, and winners will of course receive prizes! Deadline is 18 January 2019.
Finally, don't forget to submit your abstract for the XXV IUFRO World Congress 2019 in Curitiba, Brazil, by December 31, 2018:
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