
Read about the Tree Motion and Wind Measurement Workshop in Roskilde, Denmark, sponsored by IUFRO WP 8.03.06 - Impact of wind on forests, which addressed the needs of meteorologists and tree/forest biologists for accurate and appropriate measurements of the wind and of tree movement.

Learn about outcomes of the conference on Sustainable Forest Management for the Future - The Role of Managerial Economics and Accounting on 10-12 May 2018, in Zagreb, Croatia. The meeting was co-sponsored by IUFRO Units 4.05.00, 4.05.01, 4.05.02, and 4.05.03.

Find out what was discussed at the technical workshop on New Advances in Nondestructive Evaluation of Wood in Beijing, China, co-sponsored by IUFRO RG 5.01.00 - Wood and fiber quality, and WP 5.01.09 - Non-destructive evaluation of wood and wood-based materials.  

Get informed about IUFRO's role at UNFF13, see who is the first candidate to start the IUFRO-EFI Young Scientists Initiative, find opportunities for submitting journal papers, and listen to the latest IUFRO Division 3 podcast episodes.

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