
If you are interested in forest health, you may want to read about the 9th Meeting of the IUFRO Working Party 7.02.09 Phytophthora diseases on forest trees in Sardinia, Italy. It focused on forests and natural ecosystems with a special view to the impact of Phytophthora species in Mediterranean type ecosystems.
For latest findings in Casuarina research, the Sixth International Casuarina Workshop in Krabi, Thailand, may be of interest. It primarily discussed assessing the impact of Casuarina planting in meeting the industrial biomass raw material demand and improving edaphic and climatic conditions.
The 6th International Conference "Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources" in Shchuchinsk, Kazakhstan, addressed, among others, problems of conservation of forest genetic resources, the important ecological role of forests, and the need to preserve forest biodiversity based on scientific knowledge.
The 21st International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (NDTE) of Wood Symposium in Freiburg, Germany offered a meeting space for those involved in nondestructive testing and evaluation of wood, wood-based materials and products.
In terms of collaboration, IUFRO and BMZ established a new multiyear strategic partnership with the aim to enhance the interaction between the science community and policy makers. The core activity of this new partnership will be carried out in the framework of IUFRO's Science-Policy Programme and its main instrument, the IUFRO-led Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) initiative of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF).
Quite an exciting project in the field of forest landscape restoration is being carried out by IUFRO-SPDC. It is called the "Scientific Snapshot Analysis Project" and looks at FLR implementation and progress on the ground in nine Bonn Challenge countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
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