
IUFRO has already made significant contributions to fostering understanding of how forest landscape restoration (FLR) is implemented in different contexts. One of these contributions is the publication entitled "Implementing Forest Landscape Restoration - A Practitioner's Guide", which is now not only available in English and Spanish but also in French. Furthermore, IUFRO has supported the establishment of the GLFx Malawi Chapter, a community of practitioners dedicated to the restoration of Malawi's degraded and deforested landscapes, launched on 29 October.
As a member of both the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) and the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW), IUFRO has contributed to the publication of two important statements entitled "Towards Sustainability - Forest Solutions in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic" and "The COVID-19 Challenge: Zoonotic Diseases and Wildlife", respectively. Also, on 15 October IUFRO successfully launched a major global assessment report called "Forests, Trees and the Eradication of Poverty: Potential and Limitations".
In this issue of IUFRO News you will also find reports from meeting, news from member organizations, a series of new publications, invitations to submit papers to special journal editions, and a lot more!
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