
Research in forest products culture looks, among other things, at how the use of wood and non-wood forest products has changed over time. It includes, but is not limited to, history, policy management, sociology, economics, philosophy, culture, religion, art and education. In IUFRO a truly global team of experts is collaborating in the Forest Products Culture Research Group and its two Working Parties under the umbrella of Division 5 Forests Products. Learn more in an interview with the coordinators of these Units.
The Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme is currently working on the preparation of an Expanded Policy Brief for African Stakeholders on Forests, Trees, and Poverty Alleviation in Africa. Also, the first project in the new IUFRO-GFEP product line of follow-up studies is off the ground! It will address the outcomes and socio-ecological impacts of REDD+ on forests, carbon, biodiversity and people since 2012.
Under the banner of Generation Restoration, the Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL) and the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) launched the Restoration Stewards program in 2020. The year-long program supports and highlights the work of six young restoration practitioners and their teams. IUFRO has been involved at all stages of the Restoration Stewards program, particularly by mentoring a young practitioner from Argentina.
Read reports from an online meeting on greening and land degradation neutrality in dryland and from a webinar series on behavioral and chemical ecology of bark and woodboring insects, and meet two young forestry students who are currently doing a remote internship with IUFRO.
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