
IUFRO's Special Programme for Development of Capacities (IUFRO-SPDC) offers a systematic approach to increase capacity in economically disadvantaged countries with a long-term vision and diverse support base. Michael Kleine and Janice Burns talk in an interview about activities, success and future plans of the Programme.
This newsletter issue also covers a variety of topics ranging from decision-making methods in forest ecosystem management, to forest health topics and forest-related challenges of natural and cultural heritage issues.
The publications section presents the French version of the IUFRO-GFEP expanded policy brief on forests and poverty alleviation in Africa, two new IUFRO Occasional Papers, the latest two IUFRO Spotlight articles, and a series of interesting studies, books and proceedings, most of which involve IUFRO officeholders and/or members
The wide range of announcements includes, among other things, a reminder for submitting bids for the 2029 IUFRO World Congress, a new partnership between IUFRO and XPrize Rainforest, the discontinuation of the Global Forest Information Service (GFIS), and, sadly, the obituaries of two important global forest science leaders.
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