
In response to a growing need for more information exchange and collective action by various sectors, an international symposium was organized in Dehradun, India, to bring together experts and scientists in the fields of forestry, agriculture, nature conservation, water resources management, mining and other related sectors. The symposium was jointly organized by ICFRE and IUFRO and was also attended by a delegation of IFSA students.
Find reports from two more webinars of the IUFRO 4.01.00 series, one on "Modelling Mixtures and Uneven-aged Forests: From Pattern to Process to Application", and one on "Tree Species Growth of Oak and Pine in Mixture - a Dynamic Sensitive Equilibrium". More webinars will follow!
In 2023, IUFRO's Special Programme for Development of Capacities (SPDC) will offer grants of up to €5,000 each for Short Scientific Visits for early career scientists affiliated with IUFRO Member Organizations. These visits will provide a unique opportunity for young scientists from Africa, Asia and Latin America to visit a forest research organization overseas and conduct international scientific collaboration. Apply by 31 July 2023!
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