
At the eighteenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF18) in New York, USA, IUFRO organized a successful side event on Forests and Human Health and was represented by the IUFRO President in the panel discussion on forests, energy and livelihoods.
At the third TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS Think Tank meeting hosted by IUFRO and Mondi in Vienna, Austria, researchers shared preliminary findings of a synthesis study that explores ecological, policy, socio-economic, and technological drivers for the future supply of fiber and other forest goods and services.
The IUFRO Annual Report 2022 showcases the activities in our organization clustered around these themes: Forests for People, Forests and Climate Change, Forests and Forest-Based Products for a Greener Future, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Biological Invasions, Forests, Soil and Water Interactions.
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