
Besides information about the IUFRO World Congress 2024 and a focus on the IUFRO Scientist Assistance Programme (SAP), this issue presents to you the new IUFRO SciPol colleague Viola Belohrad, the current IFSA intern Sandesh KC, and the new IFSA President Isabelle Dela Paz.
You will also find several meeting reports including from the 20th International Boreal Forest Research Association IBFRA and the IUFRO conferences on "Global challenges and innovative management of bark and wood borers in planted and natural forests" and "Advancing Silvicultural Technology".
Furthermore, IUFRO congratulates Dr. Robert Mavsar on his appointment as EFI Director, Professor Pete Bettinger and Professor Roger Meder Professor on receiving prestigious science awards, and Professor Mike Wingfield on his election as a Fellow of the International Society of Plant Pathology.
Latest publication highlights include the French version of the IUFRO Policy Brief on Forests and Human Health, the new US National Report on Sustainable Forests (NRSF), a book about "The Bioeconomy and Non-timber Forest Products", and the Global Sustainable Development Report 2023.
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