
Learn about IUFRO activities at the 9th World Forestry Week in Rome, read up on meetings such as the latest tree biotechnology conference, find new publications and more…
The 27th Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO 27) was held on 22-26 July 2024 at FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy in conjunction with the 9th World Forest Week (WFW 2024). A successful Pre-World Forest Week high-level dialogue titled "WOOD for GLOBE: Leading pathways to carbon neutrality and resilience" provided a platform for global leaders and experts to review progress on implementing sustainable wood pathways.
The IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference is the biennial meeting on genomics, molecular biology and biotechnology of forest trees, associated with the IUFRO Working Party 2.04.06. This year's meeting was held in Annapolis, MD, USA on August 4 to 8. Scientific take homes from the meeting include the power of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques to dissect the composition of lignin, the genomic diversity of forest trees that has enormous potential for tree improvement, and integration of systems biology with climate and geographical data.
Find updated versions of IUFRO's Honors and Awards publications, the Stockholm Congress book of abstracts, studies co-authored by IUFRO officeholders and published in Nature, and a nicely designed PDF version of the new IUFRO Communicating Forest Science Manual 2024, among other publications of interest.
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