
Enjoy the first issue of IUFRO News in the new format, experience the fresh look of the IUFRO website, learn about our DEI activities, listen to the latest podcast episode, read reports from meetings and more…
In a landmark agreement, Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO) and International Union of Forest Research Organization (IUFRO) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on December 16, 2024, at AFoCO’s Secretariat in Seoul, Republic of Korea. This partnership establishes a framework for collaboration to advance forest science and sustainable management across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
The 5th Patagonian Agroforestry Congress and 2nd Patagonian Forestry Congress held in December 2024 in Chile brought together experts from Chile, Argentina and Colombia to exchange cutting-edge scientific, technological, and practical knowledge. Discussions focused on advancing agroforestry systems and forest resources, including native forests and plantations. The events were co-sponsored by IUFRO Research Group 8.01.00 Forest ecosystem functions.
Common garden experimental networks are essential infrastructures that provide experimental data to enable research in forest tree breeding, selection methods, adaptive potential, plasticity, evolvability, conservation and sustainable use of forest tree species under climate change. Read about this hybrid workshop organized by IUFRO Working Party 2.02.13 Breeding and Genetic Resources of Mediterranean Conifers, in collaboration with IUFRO RG 2.04.00 and WP 2.04.02.