
With less than one year to go until the opening of the 26th World Congress next June, an all-time high of 5014 abstracts have been submitted. The abstracts constitute the scientific basis of the Congress, and the Scientific Committee will now review and evaluate every single abstract and finally decide which abstracts qualify for an oral or poster presentation.
Global changes pose serious threats to the health of the world's forests by favouring the emergence or invasion of an increasing number of forest pests. Wood and bark beetles play a prominent role in this context and were at the center of discussions at the IUFRO conference "Global challenges and innovative management of bark and wood borers in planted and natural forests" in Bordeaux, France.
The newly established WOOD for GLOBE project aims at creating a global wood policy platform to support the use of sustainable wood for a carbon-neutral bioeconomy worldwide. The project is led by IUFRO in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Centre for Bioeconomy of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU).
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