
The latest Podcast episode is presented by Jose Bolaños (IUFRO HQ) and co-host Peter Edwards, a senior researcher at Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, New Zealand. He urges to think beyond the physical forest products, but the services that forests provide. Listen to our guests Sally Aitken, University of British Columbia, Canada; Marjana Westergren, Slovenian Forest Institute; K.M.A. Bandara, Department of Forest Conservation, Sri Lanka; and Nazmus Sadath, Khulna University, Bangladesh. The Podcast is aligned with the IUFRO 2024 World Congress themes.
On 21-22 November 2023 the two-day hybrid "Forum on Ukraine Forest Science and Education: Needs and Priorities for Collaboration" brought together Ukrainian forestry students, early and mid-career forest researchers and representatives of leading European universities and international institutions to discuss practical measures and strategic steps toward supporting sustainable forest management in Ukraine.
The IUFRO Symposium on Forest Education held in Helsinki and other places in Southern Finland addressed gaps in forest education at university and college level including further education, curriculum of forest education such as Forest Education Global Core Curriculum (FEGCO), and digital tools and platforms. The aim of the symposium was especially to discuss how education could find best ways to combine theory and practice, and how digital tools could be used to enhance forest education.
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