About the Working Party

This Working Party was created in 2002, interestingly when the Poplar Genome Sequencing project was launched. The challenge of this Unit is to capitalise on all the genome data that are being generated worldwide on tree species (poplar, birch, eucalyptus, oak, pine, spruce…), to make the connection between gene sequence and gene function. This is based on a collaboration between quantitative, population and molecular geneticists as well as diverse aspects of tree biology.


Eucalyptus Grandis Genome: The preliminary draft assembly of the E. grandis genome is available in public genome database. Read about the E. grandis  genome here!


Through the application of the cutting-edge tools of genome analysis, a comprehensive picture of the genes and cellular processes involved in many aspects of tree growth and development will soon emerge. This includes seed germination, biomass production, flower formation, disease resistance and biotic/abiotic stress responses just to cite a few. Given the broad use and application of forest tree genomics, it is expected that strong links will be forged with many other Unit.

For a recent review on the Unit see:

  • Plomion C, Cooke J, Richardson T, McKay J, Tuskan G (2003) Conference Report on the Forest Trees Workshop at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference. January 2003; San Diego, CA, USA. Comp Funct Genom 4:229-238
  • Plomion C, Richardson T, McKay J (2005) Advances in forest tree genomics. New Phytol 166:713-717

Working Party Representatives

Deputy Coordinator
Deputy Coordinator

Past Working Party Events

Units 14 Jan 2024

2.04.10 Forest Tree Workshop at the Plant and Animal Genome (PAG 31)

The scientific program at PAG includes informative speakers, technial presentations, poster sessions, and workshops —are all excellent forums for the exchange of ideas and applications

Units 15 Jan 2023

2.04.10 Forest Tree Workshop at the Plant and Animal Genome (PAG 30)

Forest trees provide important economic and ecological services and products worldwide. This workshop aims to bring together the scientific community to communicate the latest achievements


IUFRO-CTIA 2008 Joint Meeting : Adaptation, Breeding and Conservation in the Era of Forest Tree Genomics and Environmental Change

This is a joint conference of IUFRO Working Groups 2.04.01 (Population, ecological and conservation genetics) 2.04.06 (Molecular biology of forest trees) and 2.04.10 (Genomics), and

Working Party Resources