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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
This Working Party was created in 2002, interestingly when the Poplar Genome Sequencing project was launched. The challenge of this Unit is to capitalise on all the genome data that are being generated worldwide on tree species (poplar, birch, eucalyptus, oak, pine, spruce…), to make the connection between gene sequence and gene function. This is based on a collaboration between quantitative, population and molecular geneticists as well as diverse aspects of tree biology.
Eucalyptus Grandis Genome: The preliminary draft assembly of the E. grandis genome is available in public genome database. Read about the E. grandis genome here!
Through the application of the cutting-edge tools of genome analysis, a comprehensive picture of the genes and cellular processes involved in many aspects of tree growth and development will soon emerge. This includes seed germination, biomass production, flower formation, disease resistance and biotic/abiotic stress responses just to cite a few. Given the broad use and application of forest tree genomics, it is expected that strong links will be forged with many other Unit.
For a recent review on the Unit see:
The age of genomics has infiltrated most biological disciplines, and Forestry is no exception. Genomic tools have led to fundamental insights about the ecology and