About the Research Group

Analysis, design, control, and continuous improvement of business processes, such as procurement, order fullfillment, distribution, monitoring and control within firms and business to business (B2B) networks. Measurement and analysis of internal processes with emphasis on effectiveness, efficiency, and quality. Quantitative models to map and solve related problems of scheduling, inventory, shipment routing, or facility location.


Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences

  • DAHLIN, B. and D. FJELD. 2004. Logistics in Forest Operations. In Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences, J. BURLEY, J. EVANS, and J. YOUNGQUIST, Editors. Elsevier Academic Press: Amsterdam, etc. p. 645-649.
  • MIKKONEN, E. 2004. Forest Operations Management. In Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences, J. BURLEY, J. EVANS, and J. YOUNGQUIST, Editors. Elsevier Academic Press: Amsterdam, etc. p. 658-663.

Review articles

  • ACKOFF, R.L. Operations Research [Accessed 11-04-2006]. Operations Research. Encyclopaedia Brittanica. Available from online: [link to document]
  • CHURCH, R.L., A.T. MURRAY, and A. WEINTRAUB. 1998. Locational issues in forest management. Location Science. 6 (1-4): 137-53.
  • EPSTEIN, R., et al. 1999. Use of OR systems in the Chilean forest industries. Interfaces. 29 (1): 7-29.
  • MARTELL, D.L., E.A. GUNN, and A. WEINTRAUB. 1998. Forest management challenges for operational researchers. European Journal of Operational Research. 104 (1): 1-17.
  • WEINTRAUB, A. 1996. Natural Resources. In Encyclopedia of operations research and management science, S.I. GASS and C.M. HARRIS, Editors. Kluwer: Boston [etc.]. p. 427-431.
  • WEINTRAUB, A. and B.B. BARE. 1996. New issues in forest land management from an operations research perspective. Interfaces. 26 (5): 9-33.
  • WEINTRAUB, A., et al. 2000a. Forest management models and combinatorial algorithms: analysis of state of the art. Annals of Operations Research. 96: 271-85.
  • WEINTRAUB, A.P., et al. 2000b. The impact of environmental constraints on short term harvesting: use of planning tools and mathematical models. Annals of Operations Research. 95: 41-66.
  • WRIGHT, S.J. Optimization [Accessed 11-04-2006]. Optimization. Encyclopaedia Brittanica. Available from online: [link to document]


  • BJÖRHEDEN, R., et al. 1995. Forest Work Study Nomenclature. Test Edition. SLU, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Department of Operational Efficiency. Garpenberg, Sweden. 16 p. [go to document]

Research Group Representatives

Deputy Coordinator
United States

Past Research Group Events


Precision Forestry Symposium - Precision in Forest Operations and Wood Supply

Themes to be discussedOptimization & SimulationMachine Learning / AIApplications for Remote and Proximal SensingForest Machine Data Handling and InterpretationRobotics and Unmanned PlatformsGeographic Information Technologies and


19th Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (SSAFR 2022)

Since 1975, SSAFR has been the premier international forum for operations researchers, systems analysts and management scientists studying forestry, natural resources management and environmental problems.


18th Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (SSAFR)

The 18th Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (SSAFR) will be held in Puerto Varas, Chile on March 3-7, 2019. Since 1975, SSAFR has been


2017 Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (SSAFR)

The Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (SSAFR) is an international gathering that has been held every two or more years since 1975, and


Symposium on Wood Supply Chain Management

Im Mai 2016 ist Profin Sophie D' Amours (Uni-versität Laval, Québec) als Gastprofessorin an der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien tätig. Wir möchte gerne die Gelegenheit


16th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (SSAFR)

The SSAFR symposia congregate researchers and practitioners in the area of Operations Research and Systems Analysis in Forest Resources. The symposia are held biannually and


Mobilization of woody biomass for energy and industrial use Smart logistics for forest residues, pruning and dedicated plantations

Improved logistics will help create a market for biomass feedstocks such as agricultural residues, forestry residues, and energy crops. In the three EU-funded projects INFRES,