About the Research Group

Forest operations technologies and systems for non-trafficable terrain. Links to location-specific problems of world's mountain forest areas (Central Europe, Pacific Northwest, Insular Southeast Asia, Hymalaia, etc.).

Mission and Goals

The mission of IUFRO Research Group 3.06.00 "Forest operations in mountainous conditions" is:

to provide forest scientists and engineers with a network and focus for the full range of forest engineering practices for accessing and harvesting in mountainous terrain in an evironmentally sound manner.

To do this the Research Group will:

  • Maintain a high profile by sponsoring or cosponsoring two or more international workshops and seminars during each five year period;
  • Support active working parties on any relevant aspect of accessing and harvesting in mountain forests closing down that are redundant, and proposing others in response to changing world conditions in accordance with Secion VIII of IUFRO Statutes Article VIII;
  • Collaborate closely with any other Research Groups and Working Parties in IUFRO through joint research activities and meetings, to avoid overlap and to ensure that IUFRO's forest engineering activities are managed as efficiently as possible;
  • Collaborate with other organizations with similar aims in joint activities;
  • Strengthen the IUFRO activities by bringing together researchers from developing and developed countries to optimize the use of IUFRO's aims. This will include ensuring that both developing and developed country scientists are represented as officers of each working party;
  • Encourage all its members to improve communication between IUFRO groups and officers, by all means, including meetings, newsletters, and electronic communication.

  • HEINIMANN, H.R.  2004. Forest Operations under Mountainous Conditions. In Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences, J. BURLEY, J. EVANS, and J. YOUNGQUIST, Editors. Elsevier Academic Press: Amsterdam, etc. p. 279-285.
  • HEINIMANN, H.R. 2000. Forest Operations under Mountainous Conditions. in Forests in Sustainable Mountain Development - a State of Knowledge Report for 2000, M.F. PRICE and N. BUTT, Editors. CABI Publishing: Wallingford, UK. Vol. IUFRO Research Series No. 5: p. 224-230. [pdf file for personal use]

Research Group Representatives

Deputy Coordinator
Deputy Coordinator
Deputy Coordinator

Past Research Group Events