About the Working Party

Unit 4.01.02 is principally concerned with the theoretical, mathematical, statistical and computational aspects of growth and yield model development, specification, calibration, verification, simulation, computerization and application/deployment. Model forms include those developed for tropical, temperate and boreal forest types and cover the entire range of stand structural complexity. For example, these include individual-tree distance-dependent and distance-independent models, stand-level diameter distribution models and average stand-level models. Incorporating the impact of anthropogenic influences, such as thinning, forest fertilization, tree improvement, drainage, and climate change, on tree and stand growth through model refinement and adaptation is an evolving issue within this unit. Additionally, in response to the paradigmic shift towards value-based management occurring in many forest regions, a renewed focus on model development for predicting a wider range of management-relevant yield-based metrics including implicit and explicit measures of end-product potential and value continues. Facilitating, enabling and engaging in local, regional, national and global knowledge exchange activities through virtual and non-virtual-based workshops, conferences, presentations, on-site demonstrations, and publications, are important primary goals of this Unit.

  • Analytics for quantifying the impact of anthropogenic influences on growth and yield through model refinement and adaptation
  • Adapting to the paradigmic shift towards stand-level value-based management objectives via modelling innovations and modification including the development of prediction models for forecasting both volumetric-based and end-product-based outcome metrics
  • Linking and reconciling tree-level, size-class and stand-level models to ensure analytical consistency and predictive equivalence
  • Provision of solutions arising from the challenges of modelling of complex stand-types (see outputs)

Working Party Representatives

Deputy Coordinator
Deputy Coordinator
Deputy Coordinator
Deputy Coordinator

Past Working Party Events

Working Party Resources