About the Working Party

One of the main challenges associated with processes occurring at different scales is their quantitative representation. Therefore, the scope of the Working Party is to increase the knowledge on forest processes that operate across a multitude of scales, from trees to stands, and watershed. 

The Working Party aims at developing quantitative tools and methods for integration of processes that are specific at large scale (tree or sub tree) into processes characterizing small-scale, like watersheds or landscapes.

The 4.03.05 Working Party is related with the research carried out by the 4.03.01, 4.03.02 and 4.03.04 units, as it used procedures that aims at minimizing error propagation.


A significant amount of research was carried out in representing scaling process in ecology, but the increase in technology, social objectives and expectations, as well as the fast pace of development increased the number of questions faced by active forest management. The availability of remote sensed data offered the opportunity to solve many questions related to cities, counties, or regions, but not enough was done in integration of various forest management aspects characterizing different scales. Large area models like iLand opened a new area of research, which can be used for quantifying processes occurring at multiple scales. 

Working Party Representatives
