About the Working Party

In accordance with the founding idea of IUFRO to support comparability of forest research data at the international level, the former subject group S4.04.00 "forest management and economics" started work on a dictionary of forest management in six languages which was published in 1990 as IUFRO World Series no. 1. About ten years ago the Working Party 4.04.07, later renamed to IUFRO Unit 4.04.03 SilvaPlan, adopted the task to provide definitions for the terms related in particular to forest management planning.

The persons responsible for the individual languages are:

GermanO. Griess, Austria; H. Kurth, Germany
EnglishM. Nieuwenhuis, Ireland
FrenchP. Schram, Luxembourg
HungarianG. Gáspár-Hantos, Hungary
ItalianM. Broll, G. Unterthiner, Italy
JapaneseK. Naito, Japan
SpanishH. Siebert, Chile
Portuguese   A. Giacini de Freitas, Brazil
ChineseS. C. Wu, China-Taipei
RomanianF. Carcea, Romania
PolishE. Stepien, M. Orzechowski, J. Smykala, Poland   
CzechR. Wiesner, V. Tesar, Czech Republic
TurkishA. H. Colak, Turkey
SwedishP. Wikström, Sweden
WelshA. Pommerening, Wales

Working Party Representatives


Past Working Party Events

Working Party Resources

World Series

World Series Vol. 9 - Terminology of Forest Management Planning

World Series Vol. 9 - TERMINOLOGY of FOREST MANAGEMENT PLANNING - in multiple langauges. Terminology of Forest Management Planning. Terms and Definitions  in English, German,