About the Working Party

The Unit is focused on promoting international cooperation in research and education related to the managerial aspects of forest economics.  The Unit’s first meeting was held in in Brno in 1985.  It was renamed Managerial Economics in 1989 and merged with the Managerial, Social and Environmental Accounting Working Group in 1995 into the 4.05.00 Unit.

Over the past few decades, forest management has incorporated cultural, institutional, and social dimensions with the traditional economic and environmental criteria.  In addition, global issues such as changes in society, climate, and forest values influence and transform the ways in which forest ecosystems are managed and utilized.  The role of managerial economics in response to these evolving conditions and needs of society are central to this Unit.


The Unit has examined a wide range of topics during its history - innovative economic instruments; forest development and management in the light of global change; adaptive forest management; economic impact assessment of environmental, social, and economic changes on forest management; evaluation of forest- and timber trade-related policies; financial modeling of forest management under changing framework conditions; payments for ecosystem services and consequences for forest management; shifts in supply and demand for non-market services of forests; forest management decision support systems; risks in forestry - which are reflected in the Unit's publications.

Working Party Representatives

Deputy Coordinator
Deputy Coordinator

Past Working Party Events

Working Party Resources

Scientific Summaries