About the Research Group

The Wood Quality Research Group is home to a variety of interests that encompass studies of the formation, structure, and chemistry of wood, as well as studies of the processing characteristics and end use requirements of wood. All, however, have a common goal of understanding the fundamental properties of wood as an important biological material. Through active research in these areas, we hope to gain better understanding of how environmental conditions, silvicultural practices, and genetics influence fundamental wood properties; and how wood and fiber quality impact the utilization of wood materials. The ultimate goal of such knowledge is the sustainable and efficient utilization of our valuable forest resources.

The Research Group sponsors regional and international events such as technical meetings, trainings, workshops, and symposia. Through these activities, we hope to promote effective communication and discussions among colleagues around the world on most recent research developments.

The Research Group currently has five Working Parties:
•    5.01.04 Wood quality modelling
•    5.01.07 Tree ring analysis
•    5.01.08 Understanding wood variability
•    5.01.09 Non-destructive evaluation of wood and wood-based materials
•    5.01.10 Fundamental properties of wood and wood-based materials

Research Group Representatives

Deputy Coordinator
Deputy Coordinator
United States

Past Research Group Events


23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium

Report by Xiping Wang, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Deputy Coordinator, IUFRO Research Group 5.01.00 Wood and fiber quality; and Raquel Gonçalves, University of

Units 26-28 Aug 2024

International Conference on Tropical Wood - Advancing the Sustainable Use of Tropical Forests

Tropical regions are renowned for the diversity and richness of their forests, which are sources of abundant resources, particularly wood. Tropical forests host a large

Research Group Resources


23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium - Proceedings

The 23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium was hosted by the School of Agricultural Engineering of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (FEAGRI/