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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
The Working Party covers research on all aspects of pest and diseases of tropical forest trees including pest and diseases in nurseries, forest plantations, natural forests and urban trees. The objectives of our Working Party are to promote interaction and exchange of information between scientists and researchers working on tree pests and diseases in the tropics through Working Party meetings, information postings on the Working Party website and communication via the internet. Due to the nature of tree pests and diseases and the insects pests and pathogens that cause them, we see our Working Party interacting with those dealing with insects that vector fungi and bacteria, those that deal with silivicultural and tree breeding issues and climate change, to name but a few.
We plan to highlight one tropical forest tree pest and disease every 6 months on the Working Party website or in the IUFRO newsletter, so that members are more aware of potential disease threats to tropical forest trees and can be kept up-to-date on current research developments in the tropics. We will also be posting a list of names of researchers and their contacts on this website so as to encourage information exchange among fellow researchers. We also plan to run a workshop on biological control of pests and diseases in the tropics in 2016.
Biosecurity: recent and potential incursions of pests and pathogens into new areas; "Host jumps" – many pests and pathogens occur on more than one host and can use "alternative" hosts to enter a country.
Pests and diseases development in Tropics : climate change and pests and diseases epidemics, adaptation and mitigation; biological control, the success story in the tropical countries.
On 22 May the world is celebrating the International Day for Biological Diversity. This year's slogan is "We're part of the solution #ForNature". Read