About the Working Party

Forest soils provide society with a range of services and benefits. Forest soils also function in a changing global environment with increased pressures to provide a range of desired services and benefits. Consequently, the topic of forest soils research is as broad as it is deep and means many things to researchers actively involved in this fundamental aspect of the forest ecosystem and environment. Forest soil research includes but is not limited to the many aspects of soil biology, soil chemistry, and soil physical processes, impacts of management and understanding of natural processes.

The aim of the Unit is to better understand the many properties and processes that support the many services and benefits provided for by forest soils and understand how natural stand dynamics and impacts of human activity including forest management contribute greatly to the diversity of processes occurring in forest soils and the consequences for the ever evolving nature and characteristics of forest soils.

Working Party Representatives

Deputy Coordinator
Deputy Coordinator
Deputy Coordinator

Past Working Party Events