About the Working Party

Over the last few decades, the international research community showed a growing interest in community forestry. Community forests are home to indigenous peoples and small-scale farmers with a wealth of traditional forest-related knowledge. In a time of accelerated transition, community forests are key in providing environmental goods and services, including the conservation of biodiversity, carbon storage and water quality. (UNFCCC) and its mechanism for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). Several international environmental processes like the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) and REDD+ within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) emphasize the importance of the maintenance and sustainable management of forest ecosystems. Indigenous peoples and other local populations managing their community forests definitively contribute to the achievement of the goals of these conventions.


Knowledge exchange on lessons learned and research related to community forestry, including issues such as:

  • Community forests governance
  • Sustainable livelihoods
  • Public policy
  • Threats to community forests

Working Party Representatives

Deputy Coordinator
Deputy Coordinator

Past Working Party Events