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Defense of Doctoral Thesis: Balancing the flow of wood and use of machinery in harvesting operations: new perspectives on how to improve performance in the wood supply chain

Meeting current wood supply objectives requires a certain flexibility in the wood procurement system. Suitable buffers to generate flexibility include creating a balance between flow and resource efficiency. Research on resource efficiency (e.g. cost-efficiency) in harvesting operations are abundant, but the flow efficiency have not been given much attention. This is somewhat surprising as the constant need for flexibility in practical operations has to be solved by more or less unplanned and intuitive means, or handled by other parts of the supply chain. This thesis therefore aims to improve performance in Nordic cut-to-length harvesting operations by exploring flow and resource efficiency and suggesting new perspectives on how to balance them well.

Author:  Malin Johansson
Date:  28 April 2023, 13:00
Location:  online via Zoom and SLU Umeå, Sweden

Access to webinar:, Passcode: 555999

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