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Agroforestry and mitigation of climate change online
Contact: Ana Cristina Gonçalves, Email:
Contact: Swoyambhu Man Amatya, Email:
Contact: Sanjeev Chauhan, Email:

Calendar of Meetings

Past IUFRO meetings

  • Agroforestry and mitigation of climate change; online; 26-27 March 2024, 14:00 h UTM. Conference homepage - 1st announcement - Registration form - Abstract submission form - Program - Report  
  • Webinar: Agroforestry systems in the world: differences and similarities; online; 26-27 July 2023, 2:00-4:30 pm, Greenwich Mean Time (London/Lisbon). 1st announcement - Registration - Template for presentation - Report 
  • NAU-IES-IUFRO Conference on "Tree Based Diversified Land-Use System: Augmenting Livelihood Security and Industrial Growth"; Navsari, India; 15-17 February 2023. 1st announcement - Report  
  • International Conference on Agricultural Innovations for Resilient Agri-Food Systems; Jammu, India; 13-15 October 2022. Conference homepage   
  • IUFRO World Day; online; 28.29 September 2021. Event website
  • Celebrating Environment Day 2021; Ludhiana, India; 5 June 2021. Report  
  • Celebrating Biodiversity; Ludhiana, India; 22 May 2021. Report
  • National training program on "Biophysical and Socioeconomic Interactions in Agroforestry"; Ludhiana, India; 16 February - 8 March 2021. Report
  • Celebrating International Mountain Day; online; 11 December 2020. Report    
  • 4th World Congress on Agroforestry "Agroforestry: Strengthening links between science, society and policy"; Montpellier, France; 20-22 May 2019. Units involved: 1.00.00, 1.04.00. Conference homepageReport      
  • First South Asian Conference on Forestry / Agroforestry Research; Kathmandu, Nepal; 8-10 November 2018.
  • Seminar on "Agroforestry: potential livelihood option for future"; Hetauda, Makwanpur, Nepal; 28 December 2016. Report 
  • International Forestry and Agroforestry Congresses; Puerto Natales, Chile, 14-16 December 2016. 
  • Agroforestry; Kathmandu, Nepal; 11-12 November 2016.
  • Approaches for Sustaining Agroforestry Systems and Practice in Asia and Oceania; Session at the IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania; Beijing, China; 24-27 October 2016.
  • VIII Congreso Agroforestal Internacional/VIII Latin American Agroforestry Congress; Iguazu, Argentina; 7-9 May 2015. Conference homepage
  • Women in Agroforestry; Kathmandu, Nepal; 28-29 November 2013. Call for Papers - Programme Inaugural Session - Programme Sessions - Report - Pictures.
  • Agroforestry Policy dialogue with stakeholders (both public and private); Kathmandu, Nepal; October 2015
  • 1st International Symposium on Afforestation of Pastures in Subtropical Regions; Curitiba, Brazil; 8-10 October 2013. Report
  • II Jornadas Forestales de Patagonia Sur y 2° Congreso Internacional Agroforestal Patagónico; El Calafate, Santa Cruz, Argentina; 16-17 May 2013. Conference homepage - Report
  • VII Congresso Latino Americano de Sistemas Agroflorestais para a Produção Pecuária Sustentável/VII Latin American Congress on Agroforestry Systems for Sustainable Animal Production; Belén de Pará (Para), Brazil; 8-10 November 2012. Conference homepage Portuguese / Conference homepage English - Report - Clipping
  • 2nd Colombian Congress and 1st International Seminar on Silvopasturing; Medellín, Colombia; 31 July - 1 August 2012. Flyer - Report
  • 2do Congreso Nacional de Sistemas Silvopastoriles (SSP); Santiago del Estero, Argentina; 9 y 11 de mayo de 2012. Página web del congreso - Convocatoria - Summary Report
  • 1er Curso Internacional de Postgrado sobre Agroforestería: Principios Ecológicos de la Agroforestería/1st International Graduate Workshop in Agroforestry: Ecological Principles of Agroforestry; Concepción, Chile; 23-24 January 2012. Tríptico - Flyer - Summary Report
  • Tercer Seminario: Investigación y Desarrollo en la Pequeña y Mediana Propiedad, Avances de la Agroforestería en Chile; Concepción, Chile, 26 al 28 de Octubre 2011. Página web - Afiche - Flyer
  • 1er Congreso Internacional Agroforestal Patagónico; Coyhaique, Chile; 27-29 October 2010. Conference homepage - 1st Call - Primer Llamado
  • A South Asian Agroforestry Conference was held at Kathmandu during September 2008. This conference looked at the future possibilities of developing agroforestry in this region.
  • Second International Symposium on Multi-Strata Agroforestry Systems with Perennial Crops: Making ecosystem services count for farmers, consumers and the environment; Turrialba, Costa Rica; 17-21 September 2007 - Symposium website
  • We have not been able to hold the Unit's meeting exclusively but I would like to highlight the one held in Indonesia in 1996. After the meeting, a comprehensive country profile was published by the Asia Pacific-Agroforestry Network, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, FAO, Bangkok in 1996. This profile was edited by: Rene Koppelman, Chun K. Lai, Patrick B. Durst and Janice Naewboonnien.

Meetings of interest

International Agroforestry Conference (IAC) 2018 "Promotion of Agroforestry for Rural Income Generation, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation"; Kathmandu, Nepal; 27-29 April 2018: Conference homepage and Call for Papers