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Activities and events

Upcoming IUFRO meetings

  • Fifth International Scientific and Expert Conference "Natural Resources, Green Technologies and Sustainable Development/5-GREEN2024"; Zagreb, Croatia; 3-5 December 2024. Units involved: 8.00.00, 8.04.00. Conference homepage

Past IUFRO meetings

Other meetings co-organized by 7.01.00 scientists

  • Urban Environmental Pollution; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 17-20 June 2012. Conference homepage. Elena Paoletti, Deputy Coordinator of 7.01.00 – Impacts of air pollution and climate change on forest ecosystems

  • FOCUS Project coordinating critical loads development across the United States and submission of critical loads data in response to the call for data from The Working Group on Effects and National Focal Centres of the International Cooperative Programme on Modelling and Mapping; Denver, Colorado; April 2010

  • ICP-Forests/FutMon Training Course on the Assessment of Ozone Visible Injury; Valencia, Spain; September 2010 (UNECE/ICP-Forests)

  • ICP-Forests Programme Coordinating Group Meeting; Rome, Italy: October 2010 (UNECE/ICP-Forests)

  • National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) Annual Conference; Truckee, California, USA; November 2010

  • International Conference "Forest ecosystem genomics and adaptation"; San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid), Spain; 9-11 June 2010. Conference homepage: Session G2 "Evolutionary responses under climate change" was chaired by Gerhard Müller-Starck, Coordinator IUFRO 7.01.04

  • COST FP601 Forest Management and Water Cycle; Antalya; Turkey

  • 7.01.01. FutMon Task Force Meeting; Tampere, Finland; February 2010 (UNECE/ICP-Forests)

  • ICP-Forests Task Force Meeting; Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany; May 2010 (UNECE/ICP-Forests)

Other meetings

  • International Conference on Ozone, Climate Change and Forests (COST Action FP0903 Climate Change and Forest Mitigation and Adaptation in a Polluted Environment); Prague, Czech Republic;  14-16 June 2011. Conference homepage

  • 8th Air Pollution Global Change Symposium entitled "Plant Functioning in a Changing Global and Polluted Environment"; Groningen, The Netherlands; 5-9 June 2011. Conference homepage

  • Urban Environmental Pollution - UEP 2010: Overcoming Obstacles to Sustainability and Quality of Life; Boston, USA; 20-23 June 2010.
    Conference homepage:

  • 7th Workshop on Sulfur in Plants; Warsaw, Poland; 13-18 May 2008
    Conference homepage:

  • 40th Annual Air Pollution Workshop and Symposium Series Pre-Workshop Symposium  "Air Pollution in a Changing World" on 6 April 2008; Sheraton Raleigh Hotel, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States; 7-10 April 2008
    Conference homepage:

Past activities

    Annual Report 2013

    Annual Report 2012

    Annual Report 2011

    Annual Report 2010

    Annual Report 2009

    Annual Report 2008

    Annual Report 2007 with pictures

    For further information on past meetings please visit our Archive.