World Congress 2024

XXVI IUFRO World Congress 2024
Stockholm, Sweden; 23-29 June 2024


Congress website:

Congress Scientific Committee Chair: Elena Paoletti
View list of CSC members

Congress Organizing Committee Chair: Fredrik Ingemarson

X:  #IUFRO2024
Facebook: #IUFRO2024
Instagram: #IUFRO2024
LinkedIn: #IUFRO2024

The Stockholm Congress Statement

English  -  German  -  French  -  Spanish


Interviews conducted by the IUFRO Congress TV:

Interviews conducted by the IUFRO 2024 Congress Organizing Committee:

Key Dates

15 June 2022
13 October 2022 - EXTENDED to 31 October 2022
17 January 2023 - EXTENDED to 31 January 2023

Call for Session Proposals
Deadline for the submission of Session Proposals
Decision advised on Session Proposals

1 February 2023
2 June 2023

Call for abstracts
Deadline for the submission of abstracts

2 June 2023
30 October 2023
15 January 2024

Opening of online registration
Authors advised of decisions on their abstracts
Registration deadline for early-bird registrations and presenting authors

30 April 2024
23 June 2024

Final program available
Congress begins


Members of the Congress Scientific Committee


Elena Paoletti (Chair, Italy)


Teresa Fonseca (Division 1, Portugal)
Marjana Westergren (Division 2, Slovenia)
Ola Lindroos (Division 3, Sweden)
Donald Hodges (Division 4, USA)
Pekka Saranpää (Division 5, Finlandi)
Purabi Bose (Division 6, Sweden)
Maartje Klapwijk (Division 7, Sweden)
Alexia Stokes (Division 8, France)
Monica Gabay (Division 9, Argentina)
Daniela Kleinschmit (Vice-President Divisions, Germany)
Shirong Liu (Vice‐President Task Forces, China) 
Wubalem Tadesse (President's Nominee for Africa, Ethiopia)
Erich Schaitza (President' Nominee for Sourh America, Brazil)
Björn Hånell (Representative of the Congress Organizing Committee, Sweden)
Isabelle Claire Dela Paz (International Forestry Students' Association, Philippines)

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Promotional Material


Scientist Assistance Programme (SAP)

IUFRO's Scientist Assistance Programme (SAP) aims to provide forest scientists, from economically disadvantaged countries, with financial assistance to participate in the XXVI IUFRO World Congress 2024, taking place in Stockholm, Sweden from 23 to 29 June 2024.

Scientists from countries shown in the list at the IUFRO-SPDC Congress SAP webpage will be eligible to apply for sponsorship:

Scientists may submit their applications through a SAP application form available at the IUFRO-SPDC Congress SAP webpage from 15 September.

Timeline for the SAP call
15 Sep to 15 Nov 2023Call for SAP applications open
15 Dec 2023SAP acceptance decisions

Call for Abstracts

The Call for Abstracts for the XXVI IUFRO World Congress is open!

The Congress Scientific Committee welcomes submissions of abstracts for presentations in sub-plenary, technical and poster sessions.

To submit your abstract, please take the following steps:

  1. Consult the list of sessions;
  2. Submit your abstract, using the online abstract submission form.

Abstracts will be accepted until 15 June 2023.

Detailed information:

Call for Nominations for IUFRO Awards

The XXVI IUFRO World Congress to be held from 23 to 29 June 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden provides us with another opportunity to honour outstanding scientific achievements and contributions to forestry with a range of IUFRO Awards. IUFRO is pleased to invite nominations for suitable candidates for the various categories of awards.

The deadline for submission of nominations was 25 May 2023.

Detailed information: Call for Nominations

Call for Session Proposals

The deadline for submission of Session Proposals has been extended to 31 October 2022!

The Congress Scientific Committee invites submission of session proposals for the 2024 IUFRO World Congress. In line with the spirit of the Congress title – Forest and Society towards 2050 ‐ the Congress Scientific Committee is developing a program that will highlight the forest contributions to the UN 2030 Agenda and its sustainable development goals. The Congress program will reflect the forest science community’s diverse contributions across the full range of natural and social science disciplines, with special emphasis on the themes and subthemes available at the Congress website

Detailed information: