
IUFRO member organization WSL is delighted to host scientists from all over the world in Switzerland to present their latest results in pathology and entomology. Four Working Parties of IUFRO Division 7 are involved in this conference, which will cover hot topics such as ash dieback, pine rusts, bark beetles, tree health in urban areas, and territory surveillance.

This conference is jointly organized by IUFRO Working Parties:

  • "Foliage, shoot, and stem diseases" (7.02.02)
  • "Rusts of Forest Trees" (7.02.05)
  • "Ecology and management of bark and wood boring insects" (7.03.05)
  • "Tree health in Urban Forests" (7.03.17)


For this conference, the first come – first served principle will be applied for fairness in registrations. So, to enable the participation of people from different Working Parties, first registrations will be limited to 25 participants per Working Party. Therefore, you will first have to pre-register and indicate your favorite IUFRO Working Party using an easy WEB-Formular. Then, you will be invited (email) to properly register and submit abstracts for the Conference as long as seats are available. 

Registration will close on 28 February 2025.

Looking forward to seeing you in Birmensdorf!