
Building on past successes, Argentina is honored to organize the Seventh International Poplar Symposium (IPS VII) that will be held in Buenos Aires, from 28th October to 4th November 2018. This meeting, under the main title “New Bioeconomies: Exploring the Potential Role of Salicaceae”, will focus on discussing the management and conservation of genetic resources, the ecophysiological factors that define the production and sustainability of plantations, the utilization of technologies that maximize the genetic potential for obtaining timber and non-timber products, and conserving or recovering degraded environments. Scientific progress in poplar and willow research is advancing with new tools and technology that address social, economic and ecological changes throughout the world. This symposium is a meaningful opportunity for participants to integrate their own research with the conference themes and the thematic areas of the 2015 to 2019 IUFRO Strategy and to interact and develop international cooperation, thus joining the IUFRO network.

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