
Date:  16 November 2024
Time:  9:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Time Zone:  GMT+4
Location:  Blue Zone, SDG Pavilion, UNFCCC COP29

Livestreaming: Events taking place on the main stage of the Forest Pavilion will be livestreamed on the UN DESA Youtube channel. Daily updates will be provided via the UNFF newsletter.

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The inaugural Forest Pavilion is a central platform for all stakeholders to galvanize collective efforts in safeguarding and leveraging forests for a just, equitable and sustainable future for all.

On 16 November, the pavilion will focus on the theme of Forests Forward: Harnessing Science, Technology, and Innovation for Climate Finance & Action”

Explore with us the central role that forests play in climate mitigation and adaptation efforts, and the multiple benefits forests offer beyond climate action as carbon sinks, from biodiversity and water regulation to food security, social stability, and much more.

The world’s forests are directly or indirectly linked to each one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and to many of their specific targets, which makes forests central to achieving them. 

While addressing the critical challenges related to the efficient and equitable implementation of forest finance, the activities of the day will focus on how well financial mechanisms are working in practice, asking whether the benefits reach all the way down to the communities managing the forests, and discussing the scale of funding required to protect forests effectively.

By bringing in scientists and practitioners from leading research institutions, development organizations, and private industry, this is an opportunity to connect, share, and learn.

Join us!


  • Peter Minang, Director Africa, CIFOR-ICRAF
  • Aster Gebrekirstos, Global scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF
  • Christopher Martius, Interim Team Leader Climate Change, Energy and Low-Carbon Development, CIFOR-ICRAF
  • Daniel Murdiyarso, Principal Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF
  • Pham Thu Thuy, CIFOR-ICRAF; Environment Institute - University of Adelaide
  • Leigh Winowiecki, Global research leader: soil and land health, CIFOR-ICRAF; Co-lead, CA4SH
  • Nelson Grima, Deputy Coordinator, Science-Policy Programme, IUFRO
  • Carola Egger, Partnership Manager, TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS