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Expertise offered by Unit

Research interests of Unit officeholders

Purabi Bose

  • forests for people
  • forestland
  • forest policy
  • gender
  • social dimension
  • indigenous peoples
  • tropical countries
  • global south

Ellyn Damayanti

  • REDD+
  • land use and forestry
  • environmental and social safeguards
  • rural development
  • forest conservation and climate policy

Cecil C. Konijnendijk

  • urban forestry
  • green infrastructure planning
  • urban-wildland interface
  • urban ecosystem services
  • nature-based solutions

Taylor Stein

  • nature-based recreation
  • ecotourism
  • collaboration
  • recreation planning

Liisa Tyrväinen

  • forest recreation
  • nature-based tourism
  • health benefits of forests
  • urban forests