
Image: Screenshot from Division 5 video

The IUFRO Division 5 Conference is held every 5 years. This is an apolitical, international forum open to all nations, for conduct of the Division’s business, and for exchange of scientific, professional and technical information on forest products related subjects consistent with the Division's structure. The Conference is frequently extended by post-Conference excursions that may include visits to neighbouring countries. News media are welcome to attend. There is documentation, by Proceedings and websites, including Conference papers, posters and resolutions from Business Meetings.

The next All-Division 5 Conference is planned to take place in 2027. If you wish to prepare a bid for the IUFRO Division 5 conference, kindly refer to the GUIDELINES AND BIDDING RULES - IUFRO ALL-DIVISION 5 CONFERENCE 2027.

Proposals are due by April 15, 2025 to:
Franka Brüchert, IUFRO Division 5 Co-Coordinator, franka.bruechert(at)
Roger Meder, IUFRO Division 5 Co-Coordinator, roger(at)

IUFRO Division 5 is hoping for and looking forward to receiving many outstanding bids! 


IUFRO Units involved

28 Nov 2024

2027 All-Division 5 Conference - Call for Bids

The IUFRO Division 5 Forest Products Conference is held every 5 years.It is an apolitical, international forum open to all nations, for conducting the Division's