Latest Press Releases

Past Press Releases

Largest forest science event worldwide fosters cooperation and knowledge sharing for forests and society towards 2050 - 20 June 2024

Reducing forests to carbon sinks poses risk, new report cautions policymakers - 6 May 2024
Spanish version - German version

Media release "European forests: How climate change, land ownership, and forest-related policies influence future wood supply" - 14 March 2024

Medieninformation: "Europas Wälder: Der Einfluss von Klimawandel, Besitzverhältnissen und Waldpolitik auf die künftige Holzversorgung" - 14. März 2024

Setting out priority areas of cooperation and concrete action for Ukraine's forests - 29 November 2023
Festlegung vorrangiger Bereiche der Zusammenarbeit und konkreter Maβnahmen für die Wälder der Ukraine - 29. November 2023

New Asia Policy Brief Calls for Better Integration of Health Benefits of Forests - 10 October 2023

The 27th IUFRO World Congress 2029 to bring the event to the African Continent for the first time ever - 12 June 2023

Regional Releases after 21 March 2023
Forests Reduce Health Risks, New Global Report Confirms - 21 March 2023
IUFRO-Forschungsbericht untermauert den gesundheitlichen Nutzen von Wäldern und Bäumen für den Menschen weltweit - 21 March 2023

Global Assessment of Forest Education - 4 October 2022

Inspire for the future – the role of forests - 4 October 2022

Winners of the IFSA-IUFRO Summer School 2022 - 23 August 2022

New Report Assesses Global Anti-Deforestation Measures - 4 May 2022
English - Spanish - German
Pressemitteilung (German) – 25 July 2022

XPRIZE Rainforest and IUFRO Partner up for a Better Understanding of Rainforests - 27 January 2022

ITTO and IUFRO release learning modules to encourage forest landscape restoration - 17 November 2021

More inclusive and coherent global action on deforestation urgently needed to reduce forest loss and climate impacts - 19 October 2021
Se necesitan con urgencia acciones más inclusivas y coherentes a nivel mundial para reducir la pérdida de bosques y los impactos climáticos - 19 October 2021
Umfassendere und kohärentere globale Maßnahmen gegen Entwaldung sind dringend erforderlich, um Waldverluste und Klimaauswirkungen zu reduzieren - 19 October 2021

Mondi and IUFRO partner to identify science-based solutions to tackle the impact of climate change on forests - 13 July 2021
Fokus Klimawandel: Mondi kooperiert mit der International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) - 13 July 2021

Education is a key lifeline for world's forests  - 24 June 2021

New study: Forests are still underrated as allies to curb rural poverty - 15 October 2020
English - Spanish - German - French

New Strategic Partnership between IUFRO and BMZ to Better Link Forest Science with International Development Policies - 5 December 2019
Neue strategische Partnerschaft zwischen IUFRO und BMZ für mehr Waldwissen in der internationalen Entwicklungspolitik - 5 December 2019

New Leadership in IUFRO – John Parrotta Follows Mike Wingfield as President - 5 October 2019

IUFRO and WWF Intensify Collaboration to Advance Sustainability Goals - 4 October 2019

Scientists Pledge to Speed up Efforts to Counter Global Forest Threats - 4 October 2019

Activist from Burundi receives top forestry award - FAO press release - 1 October 2019

Forest Science for Future: World Congress of Forest Research Starts in Curitiba, Brazil - 30 September 2019

Putting a Halt to Tropical Forest Loss is a Matter of Human Survival; 9 September 2019

Forests under Climate Change – Knowledge Exchange between Austria and Africa; 28 May 2019
Der Wald im Klimawandel – Wissensaustausch zwischen Österreich und Afrika; 28 May 2019

Wald und Holz: Wissenschaft und Bildung als Schlüssel zur Entwicklung; 7 March 2019
Forest Education and Science at 2019 World Wood Day Symposium; 7 March 2019

Equipping young forest leaders for a changing work environment; 30 November 2018

Setting the Course for the IUFRO World Congress 2024 in Stockholm; 10 October 2018

Forests form buffer against water crisis; United Nations High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development in New York. The report underscores the importance of embracing the complexity and uncertainty of climate; 10 July 2018; English - Spanish - German - Chinese - Portuguese - French 

Productive and healthy forests are crucial for meeting sustainable development, climate, land and biodiversity goals; CPF Conference "Working across Sectors to Halt Deforestation and Increase Forest Area - From Aspiration to Action"; 22 February 2018

Forest communicators urged to use science-based facts to fight fake news; IUFRO-FCN Press Release Freiburg 2017; 20 September 2017

Mondi and IUFRO collaborate on sustainable business strategies; MONDI-IUFRO Press Release Freiburg 2017; 18 July 2017

Loopholes in regulations allow illegal logging to thrive worldwide / Brechas en regulaciones permiten que la tala ilegal prospere en todo el mundo; IUFRO-GFEP Press release; 3 December 2016

The Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) celebrates World Wildlife Day 2016 by launching the Glossary of Wildlife Management Terms and Definitions; CPW Press release; 3 March 2016

Safeguarding the world’s freshwater resources: New global forest-water action plan launched at forestry congress; Press release by ICRAF, INBAR, FAO and IUFRO; 8 September 2015

A Global Strategy Needed for Forest Health and Biosecurity; IUFRO press release; August 2015

Studie: Nahrung aus Wäldern unverzichtbar im Kampf gegen Hunger; IUFRO press release; June 2015

Forests could be the trump card in efforts to end global hunger; IUFRO press release; May 2015

International Bio-economy Symposium "Sowing Innovation – Reaping Sustainability: Forests' Crucial Role in a Green Economy"; IUFRO press release; April 2015. Picture Gallery 

Largest forest research conference worldwide to be held in Salt Lake City; IUFRO press release; October 2014. Spanish version - French version

French forestry student first to fill new IUFRO/IFSA joint position; IUFRO press release; October 2013

A changing forest sector: Globalization triggers bio-economy and the search for new business opportunities; IUFRO press release; August 2013

Paving the Way for the First Ever IUFRO World Congress in Latin America; IUFRO press release; July 2013

Combating water scarcity in Latin America: Good forest management is part of the solution; IUFRO press release; June 2013

Combatiendo la escasez de agua en América Latina: El buen manejo forestal es parte de la solución; Noticia de prensa de IUFRO; June 2013

Increasing Africa's climate resilience: Need to strengthen forest research; IUFRO press release; June 2012

Eight new fact sheets highlight the key role of sustainable forest management in sustainable development; CPF Press Release, June 2012

On the healthy trail – Forest recreation and health benefits should play a vital role in forest management; IUFRO Press release on the occasion of the international conference: Forests for People – International experiences and the vital role for the future; Alpbach/Tyrol, Austria; 22-24 May 2012; 22 May 2012

Forest Day 5 - Experts: New wave of deforestation threatens Africa’s climate resilience; Press Release, 4 December 2011

Forest Day 5 – Traditional forest knowledge: An untapped source for coping with climate change; IUFRO press release on the occasion of Forest Day 5, December 2011

Weichenstellung für Waldstrategie; article on 50th IUFRO Board Meeting in Austrian journal "Der Holzkurier", March 2011

GFEP Press Release - "New study warns damage to forests from climate change could cost the planet its major keeper of greenhouse gases", April 2009

Forest Research in Policy Making, May 2007

Scientific Congress Examines Role of Forests in Rural Development, August 2007