scientific unit Select a unit Adaptation to climate change African Forest Politics and Governance Agroforestry Alien invasive species and international trade Alpine forest genomics Anatomical identification of wood Aquatic biodiversity in forests Atmospheric deposition, soils and nutrient cycles Bamboo and rattan Behavioral and Chemical Ecology of Forest Insects Biocultural diversity Bioeconomy policy Bioenergy Bioenergy productions systems and forest biodiversity Biological control of forest insects and pathogens Biorefinery and value creation Boreal and Alpine Forest Ecosystems Boreal forest silviculture and management Breeding and genetic resources of Asian conifers Breeding and genetic resources of five-needle pines Breeding and genetic resources of Mediterranean conifers Breeding and genetic resources of Pacific Northwest conifers Breeding and genetic resources of southern pines Breeding strategy and progeny evaluation Canopy processes Certified forest products and services Christmas trees Cold and drought hardiness Communication and public relations Community forestry Composites and reconstituted products Conifer breeding and genetic resources Cross-sectoral policy impacts on forests and environment Decay resistance of wood Design, performance and evaluation of experiments Detection and monitoring Disease/environment interactions in forest decline Diseases and insects in forest nurseries Diseases and insects of tropical forest trees Ecological economics Ecology and management of bark and wood boring insects Ecology and silviculture of acacia Ecology and silviculture of ash and maple Ecology and silviculture of beech Ecology and silviculture of chestnut Ecology and silviculture of dry forests in the tropics Ecology and silviculture of fir Ecology and silviculture of mixed forests Ecology and silviculture of moist forests in the tropics Ecology and silviculture of oak Ecology and silviculture of pine Ecology and silviculture of plantation forests in the tropics Ecology and silviculture of spruce Ecology and silviculture of subtropical forests Ecology of alien invasives Economics of biodiversity and protected areas Effects of environmental changes on forest growth Entomological research in Mediterranean forest ecosystems Entomology Evolution and adaptation of Fagaceae and Nothofagaceae Extension and knowledge exchange Foliage, shoot and stem diseases Forest and natural resources policy and governance in Latin America and the Caribbean Forest Assessment, Modelling and Management Forest biodiversity Forest biodiversity and resilience Forest conflict management Forest culture Forest ecosystem functions Forest education Forest Education Forest Environment Forest ergonomics Forest establishment and early growth dynamics Forest fires Forest genetic monitoring Forest governance: theories, methods, applications Forest Health Forest health in southern hemisphere commercial plantations Forest history and traditional knowledge Forest inventory on successive occasions Forest land tenure and property rights Forest law and environmental legislation Forest management planning Forest mensuration and modelling Forest operations ecology Forest Operations Engineering and Management Forest operations in difficult terrain Forest operations in the tropics Forest operations management Forest policies in the Baltic and CEE regions Forest Policy and Economics Forest policy and governance Forest Products Forest products culture Forest products marketing and business management Forest recreation Forest research in the future Forest resource economics Forest resources inventory and monitoring Forest robotics and digital forest operations Forest science publishing Forest sector analysis Forest soils and nutrient cycles Forest, trees and human health and wellbeing Forest-based value chains Forests and the media Forests and Water Interactions in a Changing Environment Former Task Force "Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services" Former Task Force "Climate Change and Forest Health" Former Task Force "Communicating Forest Science" Former Task Force "Contribution of Biodiversity to Ecosystem Services in Managed Forests" Former Task Force "Education in Forest Science" Former Task Force "Endangered Species and Nature Conservation" Former Task Force "Endangered Species and Nature Conservation" Former Task Force "Environmental Change" Former Task Force "Fire$: Economic Drivers of Global Wildland Fire Activity" Former Task Force "Foresight for Forest Sector Planning" Former Task Force "Forest Adaptation and Restoration under Global Change" Former Task Force "Forest and Genetically Modified Trees" Former Task Force "Forest and Water Interactions" Former Task Force "Forest Bioenergy" Former Task Force "Forest Biomass Network" Former Task Force "Forest Science-Policy Interface" Former Task Force "Forests and Biological Invasions" Former Task Force "Forests and Climate Change" Former Task Force "Forests and Human Health" Former Task Force "Forests and Water Interactions" Former Task Force "Forests for People" Former Task Force "Forests, Soil and Water Interactions" Former Task Force "Global Forest Information Service" Former Task Force "Illegal Logging and FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade)" Former Task Force "Improving the Lives of People in Forests" Former Task Force "International Forest Governance" Former Task Force "Internet Resources" Former Task Force "Management and Conservation of Forest Gene Resources" Former Task Force "Resources for the Future" Former Task Force "Resources for the Future: Transformation in Forest Use" Former Task Force "Sustainable Mountain Development" Former Task Force "Sustainable Planted Forests for a Greener Future" Former Task Force "Traditional Forest Knowledge" Former Task Force "Water and Forests" Former Task Force 'Forests and Carbon Sequestration' Former Task Force 'Information Technology and Information Sector' Fundamental properties of wood and wood-based materials Gall-forming insects Gender and forestry Gender Equality in Forestry Genetic, biochemical and physiological processes Genetics Genetics and silviculture of acacias Genomics Geographic and management information systems Ground-level ozone Growth models for tree and stand simulation Hardwood improvement, culture and genetic resources Harvesting and processing systems Harvesting and transportation engineering Historical ecology Iberoamerican forest and environmental law Impact of wind on forests Impacts of air pollution and climate change on forest ecosystems Improvement and culture of eucalypts Improvement and culture of nitrogen-fixing trees Indigenous Peoples and Forest Landscapes Industrial engineering, operations analysis and logistics Information and communication Information management and information technologies Instruments and methods in forest mensuration Integrated management of forest defoliating insects Key factors and ecological functions for forest biodiversity Landscape ecology Large-scale forest inventory and scenario modelling Latin American and Caribbean information systems network Library, information networks and terminology Life cycle analysis of forest products Long‐term research on forest ecosystem management Machine learning and computational ecology Managerial economics Managerial economics and accounting Managerial economics and accounting in Latin America Managerial, social and environmental accounting Methodology of forest insect and disease survey Modelling and risk assessment Modelling Forest Carbon Dynamics Molecular biology of forest trees Monitoring Global Tree Mortality Patterns and Trends Mountain forest management Multidisciplinary identification of wood Multiple stressors Multipurpose inventories Natural hazards and risk management Nature conservation & biodiversity Nature conservation and protected areas Nitrogen and sulfur deposition Nitrogen and sulfur deposition Non-destructive evaluation of wood and wood-based materials Non-wood forest products Non-wood forest products culture Norway spruce and Scots pine breeding and genetic resources Old growth forests and forest reserves Operations systems analysis and modeling Parasitic flowering plants in forests Pathology Peatland forest science Physiology Physiology and Genetics Phytophthora diseases on forest trees Phytoplasma and virome of forest and urban trees Phytotechnologies for degraded sites in rural and urban communities Pine wilt disease Planning and economics of fast-growing plantation forests Poplars and willows Population dynamics of forest insects Population, ecological and conservation genetics Precision Pest Management (PPM) in Forest Ecosystems Properties and utilization of plantation wood Pulp and biochemicals Quantitative forest ecology Radioactive contamination of forest ecosystems Remote sensing Reproductive structure insects & pathogens Research and development of indicators for sustainable forest management Resilient Planted Forests Serving Society and Bioeconomy Resistance to insects and pathogens Resource data in the boreal and temperate regions Resource data in the tropics Restoration of degraded sites Risk analysis Road engineering and management Road networks and transportation Root and stem roots Root physiology and symbiosis Rural development Rusts of forest trees Sawing, milling and machining Scaling forest processes Science policy interactions Seed orchards Seed physiology and technology Shoot growth physiology Short-rotation forestry SilvaPlan: Forest management planning terminology Silviculture Silviculture and management in arid and semi-arid regions Silviculture and management of threatened and endangered tree species Silviculture and ungulates Silviculture for edible non-wood forest products Silvopastoral systems and pastoralism Small-scale forestry Snow and avalanches Social and economic history Social Aspects of Forests and Forestry Social dimensions of forest health Social innovation and entrepreneurship Social return on investment: insights and lessons for forest governance Somatic embryogenesis and other vegetative propagation technologies Stand establishment and treatment Strengthening Mediterranean Nursery Systems Supply chain management Sustainable forest management scheduling Sustainable forest operations for forest landscape restoration Sustainable management and genetic resources in Meliaceae Sustainable utilization of forest products Temperate and boreal silviculture Temperate forest regeneration Torrent, erosion and landslide control Traditional coppice: ecology, silviculture and socioeconomic aspects Traditional forest knowledge Transforming Forest Landscapes for Futures Climates and Human Well-Being Tree growth, mortality and remote sensing Tree Health in Urban Forests Tree seed, physiology and biotechnology Tropical and subtropical silviculture Tropical species breeding and genetic resources Uncertainty analysis of forest models Uncertainty analysis, computational ecology, and decision support Understanding wood variability Uneven-aged silviculture Unlocking the Bioeconomy and Non-Timber Forest Products Unmanned aerial systems data processing uncertainties Urban forestry Utilization of planted eucalypts Utilization of planted teak Valuation of ecosystem services and carbon markets Vascular wilt diseases Water supply and quality Whole plant physiology Wildlife conservation and management Wood and fibre quality Wood collections and databases Wood culture Wood drying Wood identification Wood processing Wood protection Wood quality modelling Xylem physiology