

IUFRO News Vol. 53, Issue 9, early October 2024

Read a report from the 10th Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy Conference (PRWAC) in Japan, learn about latest activities of TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS, the Global Forest Expert Panel on Forests for Social and Economic Resilience, and more…

The 10th PRWAC, an international meeting organized by members of the Pacific regional group of the International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA), was held in Japan and involved IUFRO Division 5, Research Group 5.16.00 and the IUFRO-Japan Committee. The conference arranged three themed sessions focusing on highly topical issues in wood anatomy and wood science.

Carola Egger and Maja Radosavljevic, Partnership Managers of the TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS (TU4F) science-business platform, represented the platform at the Cepi Bioeconomy LAB in Brussels, Belgium, on 24 September 2024. Carola Egger also presented findings of a major synthesis study report "Europe's wood supply in disruptive times" and related business brief published by IUFRO earlier in 2024.

The Global Forest Expert Panel on Forests for Social and Economic Resilience is comprehensively assessing the available scientific information on the subject to be feed into current and upcoming global discussions and platforms to support integrated, holistic, and effective policy responses. It is chaired by Prof. Craig Allen (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA), and comprises 14 leading scientists.

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