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Elena Paoletti is Research Director at the National Research Council of Italy and Responsible of the Florence Branch of the Institute of Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems.
She is a forest ecophysiologist with research and teaching experience on air pollution, climate change and vegetation in many countries, e.g. China, Japan, USA, Switzerland.
She is member of the Board of the European Forest Institute (EFI), and Vice-President for Task Forces of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) where she also chaired the Honours and Awards Committee and the Scientific Committee of the IUFRO World Congress in Sweden 2024.
She is Editor-in-Chief of Science of the Total Environment and has many other editorial commitments.
She is an active mentor of young scientists from all over the world. Elena has published 270 peer-reviewed papers, in journals like Nature Food, Science Advances, Global Change Biology, Environmental Pollution; her Scopus h-index is 56.
Her main scientific interest at present is on tropospheric ozone impacts on vegetation, including developing novel tools and approaches for such studies (e.g. free-air systems, epidemiological impacts, protectants), as well as interactions of ozone and urban vegetation.